We are proud to share with you that the City of Los Angeles will once again be presenting The Hollywood Christmas Parade! This year is the 93rd anniversary of the parade, and will be the best year yet! We look forward to your support and participation.
Sunday, November 30, 2025 @ 6:00pm
Parking is always a premium in Hollywood. One of the best places to park is the Hollywood/Highland shopping complex. There are other public lots. There is a charge to park at these locations so please contact these individual lots for parking fees and come early to avoid the traffic and possible street and ramp closures. Also be aware of postings on streets that will be designated “NO PARKING” for the parade!
Coming Soon
Sunday, November 30, 2025 @ 6:00pm
Parking is always a premium in Hollywood. One of the best places to park is the Hollywood/Highland shopping complex. There are other public lots. There is a charge to park at these locations so please contact these individual lots for parking fees and come early to avoid the traffic and possible street and ramp closures. Also be aware of postings on streets that will be designated “NO PARKING” for the parade!
Happy Holidays to our neighbors in Hollywood! Once again – on this upcoming Thanksgiving weekend – the Hollywood Christmas Parade is being filmed in our neighborhood. This time-honored Hollywood tradition features iconic and beloved stars from the entertainment world, and we hope you will come check it out!
Listed below are the various street closures that you should make note of for the weekend. During this busy holiday, you and your guests are encouraged to use the Metro as much as possible. Beginning Thursday, November 28th, “No Parking” signs will be posted along these routes; enforcement will begin Saturday, November 30th and continue through Monday morning, December 2nd, 2024.
- 12:01 AM – Hollywood Blvd. between Orange and Highland (closed all weekend; re-open Monday 6AM)
- 12:01 AM – Orange from Hollywood Blvd. south to the alley north of Hawthorne (re-open Monday 6AM)
- 12:01 AM—Sycamore from Franklin to Hollywood Blvd. will be closed at 11 PM Friday 29th, Sat 30th & all-day Sunday December 1st reopening at 10 pm
- 6:00 AM – Hollywood Blvd. between La Brea and Orange (re-open @ 10PM)
- 1:00 PM – Hawthorne, DeLongpre, and Fountain Ave. ALL from La Brea to Highland Ave. (re-open 9PM)
- 1:00 PM – El Cerrito Place from Franklin to Hollywood Blvd. (re-open 8PM)
- 1:00 PM – Sycamore and Orange, BOTH from Franklin to Santa Monica (re-open 9PM)
- 1:00 PM – Sunset Blvd. between La Brea and Highland (re-open apx. 10PM)
- 2:00 PM -Fountain Ave between La Brea and Highland (re-open 10PM)
- 3:00 PM – HOLLYWOOD FWY/HWY 101, BOTH northbound and southbound off-ramps for Cahuenga Blvd, and southbound 101 Vine off-ramp (re-open 10PM) (FREEWAY CLOSURE)
- 4:00 PM – Northbound La Brea between Hollywood and Sunset (re-open apx. 9 PM)
- 4:00 PM – Vine Street from Franklin Ave. to Santa Monica (re-open 9 PM)
- 4:00 PM – Sunset Blvd. from Highland to Gower (re-open apx. 10 PM)
- 4:00 PM – Highland Ave. from Franklin to Santa Monica (re-open apx. 10 PM)
- 4:00 PM – Hollywood Blvd. from Highland to Gower (re-open 9 PM)
In addition, beginning Saturday, Nov. 30th and throughout Sunday, Dec 1st there will be no parking allowed on Sycamore, between Franklin and Hollywood Blvd.
The City of Los Angeles and the producers of the Hollywood Christmas Parade thank you in advance for your support and apologize for any inconvenience these street closures may cause. For additional parade information, please go to TheHollywoodChristmasParade.org. Here is to another successful event on the streets of Hollywood…. Happy Thanksgiving!